Sunday, October 4, 2009

O-lympic Troubles

We can certainly make too much of Pres. Obama's failure to sway the Olympic committee in Chicago's favor, but it's not something we can completely ignore.

Before and after the election we were told that Mr. Obama would be able to bring about world peace — turning our enemies into friends and healing wounds of every sort — by his eloquent words and the power of his presence.

Now we know he can’t even get the Olympics to Chicago. Not much hope for Iran, NKorea, or Russia.


Vinny said...

Before and after the election we were told that Mr. Obama would be able to bring about world peace — turning our enemies into friends and healing wounds of every sort — by his eloquent words and the power of his presence.

By whom were you told that?

Kate said...

The Nobel committee still believe him, even if he can't win the Olympics!

ChrisB said...


I'm sure you can understand why, nearly a year later, I don't have too many examples just sitting on top of my desk.

But if you didn't get that message, you weren't paying attention.


This is the final proof that the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke (as if Arafat, Carter, and Gore weren't enough).

Vinny said...

I do understand why you can't come up with any examples. It's because that is just a right wing talking point.

I don't know whether Obama can undo the mess that Bush made or not. I do believe that focusing on diplomacy holds out the best hope.

ChrisB said...

"It's because that is just a right wing talking point."

Keep telling yourself that.

Vinny said...

Keep telling yourself that.

Only until you prove me wrong

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