Friday, August 7, 2009

Headlines 8/7/09

4By now I'm sure you've heard the White House wants us to report emails and such that are "misleading" regarding health care insurance reform. Many have been forwarding Democratic emails and websites, but Mark Steyn had the amusing notion of forwarding them all the viagra and Nigerian widow emails you get. We might as well have fun with this until Big Brother comes and gets us all.

4"I Don’t Want the Folks Who Created the Mess to Do a Lot of Talking" (video)
Um, Mr. President, that would be Congress.

4Health Reform and the Polls
"74% of voters rate the quality of care they now receive as good or excellent. And 50% fear that if Congress passes health-care reform, it will lead to a decline in the quality of that care."
AstroTurfing. Riiiight.

4Care Versus Control
"Thirty-thousand Canadians are passing up free medical care at home to go to some other country where they have to pay for it. People don’t do that without a reason."


Vinny said...

30,000 out of a population of 33,000,000 is less than .1%. Your WSJ article reports that 26% of Americans have been forced to miss credit-card, rent or mortgage payments as a result of health care expenses including 21% of people with health insurance. I wonder how many Canadians would trade their system for ours?

ChrisB said...

You miss his point. People pass up something that is absolutely free -- well,"free" anyway, I mean when you consider their taxes -- for something they have to pay out of pocket for.

And, given that tax rate, not many Canadians can afford to do this. Many more would certainly do it if they could -- plus those that the Canadian government has to pay to treat here because they don't have the facilities or capabilities, but that's another conversation.

"I wonder how many Canadians would trade their system for ours?"
You continue to insist there are only those two choices.

Jo said...

"Thirty-thousand Canadians are passing up free medical care at home to go to some other country where they have to pay for it. People don’t do that without a reason."

I am a Canadian, and this statement is inaccurate. Completely! I would not trade our system for yours.

47,000,000 Americans have no medical coverage or insurance whatsoever. That is more than the total population of Canada.

I work in the health care system, and I know it is amongst the best in the world. Canadians have longer longevity than Americans. Check it out.

ChrisB said...

Ma'am, I'm sorry, but there are lots of people from countries with socialized medicine who come here to get treated. Some of them are even sent by your government.

"47,000,000 Americans have no medical coverage or insurance whatsoever."

Yeah, that's a bit of an exageration. If you remove the people who would qualify for govt medical coverage if only they would apply and those who could afford insurance if they wanted it, you're left with a much smaller group, though still a significant number of people.

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